Thursday, October 9, 2014

Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives

  1. bon, boun
  2. capit, capt
  3. carn(i)
  4. ced(e), ceed, cess
Word List
  1. accession - attainment of s certain rank or dignity . It took him 5 years to reach accession as general in the military 
  2. bona fide - in good faith - I'm in bona fide with jesus 
  3. bonanza - a sudden and unexpected source of money - I attained a bonanza after my friend robbed the bank
  4. bounteous - inclined to be generous - My dad forced me to be bounteous to my cousins 
  5. capitulation - a surrendering - The enemies declared capitulation after 3 days 
  6. carnage - great slaughter - A carnage occurred in the slaughter house before Thanksgiving 
  7. carnivorous - flesh eating - Dinosaurs were carnivorous creatures 
  8. incarnate - literally in the flesh - I accidentally incarnated a needle in my finger 
  9. intercede - To mediate - Since Ostini was sick, his substitute had to intercede 
  10. precedent - having gone before - My dumb precedent last Friday left to severe consequences 
  11. recapitulation - a brief repetition - My teacher gave us a recapitulation before the test 
  12. reincarnation - reborn - It is impossible for humans to be reincarnated