Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 12 Journal

 I suppose Ralph cries at the end of the novel because he is finally rescued and was not killed by the other kids on the island. The character I despise the most is Jack. He is the one responsible for the deaths of Simon & Piggy as well as converting the other kids into savages. He is the one to blame for most of the problems in the book. No, I would not recommend this book to a friend because you really need to think about the surroundings ( conch, glasses , etc. ) It's not just a read and enjoy book.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chapter 11 Questions

1. Ralph's group decide they must go to Jack's campsite to retrieve the glasses

2. The twins are " seeing Ralph for the first time " in that throughout the novel Jack has been a confident leader and now he appears to be desperate and hopeless

3. The boy's attempt to get back the glasses from Jack is bound to fail because they're out numbered

4. Roger pushes the rock off the cliff in hopes of killing someone

5. The destruction of the conch is symbolically significant in that in signifies that peace and order is destroyed as well.

6. Most of the boys want a chief because a chief leads them and helps them survive

7.1. Jack why are you so savage?
 2. Jack when was the last time you showered?

8. (1) At this point in the book, the boys are savage and hopeless. The boys got divided into two groups. Jack and Ralph. Jack being the most savage. He is the person mainly responsible for the death of Simon and Piggy. He also takes full responsibility for influencing the other boys to become savage just like him.
 (2) The boys are now hopeless. They completely forgot about the main goal of being on the island and that is to survive. They no longer care about the fire which is their ticket out. The boys have lost their mind and only care about having fun & doing shenanigans such as hunting and killing other boys. The true beasts were the boys

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chapter 10 Questions

    1. Summarize what Ralph, Piggy , and Samneric say about what happened last night.   
Ralph: " That was murder " Ralph still feels guilty and remorseful about his actions.
Piggy: " It was an accident , and that's that. " Piggy believes that what they did was an accident                 and that they should forget it about since theirs nothing else to do now.
Samneric: " So did we- very early - we were very tired after the feast " The twins are acting as if          nothing ever happened and are trying not to bring up the event

2. What are the two differences (feelings) between Jack's and Ralph's explanations to Simon's death ?                                                                                                                    
The two differences between Jack and Ralph's feelings towards Simon's death is that Ralph feels        remorseful and disappointed at himself while Jack does not care. In Chapter 10, Ralph takes full          blame for the murder while Jack believes that the beast disguised himself as Simon and that they        killed the beast not Simon

3. What conclusion can you draw about Jack based on his order to have Wilfred beaten?
I can conclude that Jack is declaring himself as the person with most power based on his beating        to Wilfred. I can also conclude that his actions are beginning to resemble him as irresponsible.            " He ceased to work at his tooth and sat still, assimilating the possibilities of irresponsible                    authority "
4. Who's the chief now? Create a script of the raid
Jack is the chief now. We know because he said that he would only consider himself chief if he          obtained Piggy's glasses, which he did.
Ralph: Shut up I hear something
Piggy: I don't hear anything
Jack & Rodger: ( Beat up and steal Piggy's glasses)
Samneric: Are you guys okay?
Ralph: I think so , I got busted
Piggy: They took my glasses