Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Birth Order Research Essay

Ulises Moreno
Period 3
Birth Order Research
The Birth order research didn’t accurately describe me. There was a lot of points that  I couldn't relate too. Out of three points, I only agreed with one of them. Those points were that I get along well with those older or younger but not the same age, cold blooded, and that I’m serious and scholarly. The point I agreed to was that I’m serious and scholarly.
The article states that only born children get along well with those older or younger but not the same age. I completely disagreed with this. I get along well with everyone except little kids. I especially get along well with people that are the same age as me. For example my bestfriend is the same age as me and we get along perfectly. I also have a lot of friends that are the same age as me. I completely disagree with this point
Another point that I disagreed to was that I’m cold blooded. I find this to be inaccurate, I’m in no way cold blooded. I consider myself to be a pretty nice person.  I wouldn’t hurt or bully anyone. I don’t see the point in creating fights because no one ever wins. I may be some what of a nuisance sometimes but I’m never cold blooded. I volunteer at my local church and I’m training to teach confirmation classes. A cold blooded person wouldn’t do that.
There was only one example I agreed to and that was that I’m serious and scholarly. I take my assignments and school work very seriously. I always try my best to get the best possible grade. I don’t joke around when it comes to school because education is a topic
that should be taken seriously. I have stayed up until late at night several times to complete an assignment. I give my absolute best to make sure that my assignments are done neatly and correctly.
In  conclusion, the birth order research was a failure. I disagreed with mostly all of the points the article had to say. The only point out of three was that I’m serious and scholarly. It was very hard to relate to the points the article listed. For example the fact that I’m cold blooded and that I don’t get along well with others. The birth order research did not accurately describe me.

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