Sunday, August 24, 2014

Latin Roots #1

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul
Agenda - a list or plan of things to be done in the future.
( The student wrote down his homework in his agenda)

Agile - Quick and easy of movement or thought. 
( The agile football player got past the defense with swift motion) 

Alienate - To make someone unfriendly, withdrawn or indifferent. 
( Little kids like to alienate other kids for fun) 

Altercation - A heated or angry argument. 
( I could hear my neighbors altercation in the middle of the night) 

Amiable - Generally pleasant, friendly and nice to be around. 
( I consider myself as an amiable person) 

Amorous - Suggestive of love, lovemaking, or sexual desire. 
( It was very disturbing for Tommy when he saw an amorous couple at the park) 

Animated - Filled with life and spirit. 
( Tommy's favorite animated movie is Cars)

Equanimity - calmness or evenness of mind or spirit.
 ( The yoga instructor was filled with equanimity )

Inalienable - That which cannot be taken away or transferred to someone else. 
( Freedom of Speech is an inalienable right that cannot be taken away )

Inanimate - Possessing neither life nor spirit 
( A banana in an inanimate object ) 

Magnanimous - Showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit. 
( The little boy was magnanimous when he gave his lunch to his friend )  

Reactionary - Opposing political or social liberation or reform 
( The priest has reactionary thoughts about abortion) 

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