Thursday, September 25, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives

  1. aud(it)
  2. avi
  3. bell(i)
  4. ben(e)
Word List
  1. antebellum - before the war - The town had a nice clean antebellum feeling but then the war happened
  2. audit - to attend class only as a listener - There are many audit courses in college
  3. auditory - related to the sense of hearing - The old man has auditory problems
  4. avian - characteristic of or pertaining to birds - The ability to fly is an avian trait 
  5. aviary - an elaborate structure for housing birds - Timmy bought an aviary house for his parrot
  6. avionics - space flight - I took avionics to learn about missiles
  7. bellicose - eager to fight - The man got a bellicose feeling after he tripped
  8. belligerency - warlike hostility - Kim Jong got belligerency because he hates Americans 
  9. benefactor - a patron - I'm going to be a benefactor from my grandpa's will
  10. beneficiary - one who receives a benefit - I want my friends to be beneficiary of my money once I die
  11. benign - gracious and kindly - I was taught to be benign at a young age 
  12. inaudible - unable to be heard - Tom was inaudible in the loud room 

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