Thursday, September 11, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives

  1. anni, annu, enni
  2. aqua, aque
  3. arm
  4. art
Word List
  1. aqua- Bluish-Greenish. Aqua is my favorite color.
  2. aquaculture- The cultivation of water plants and animals for human foods. Aquaculture will help us in the future
  3. aqueous-Like of or formed by water- Top Ramen is an aqueous meal
  4. armada-A fleet of warships- I saw an armada on my way to Santa Barbara
  5. armature-Equipment or clothing for battle- Knights used armature to protect themselves
  6. armistice-Temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement. Mr. Ostini created armistice when he came up of the idea of no homework
  7. artifact-Object produced my humans- My computer is an artifact
  8. artifice- Clever or sly trickery- Odysseus used artifice to defeat the Cyclops
  9. artisan- Person skilled at craft- My  uncle is an artisan 
  10. millennium- 1000 years- I've lived in two millenniums
  11. perennial-Year after year- Our school soccer team wins cups perennially
  12. superannuated-Worn out - My P.E clothes from last year are superannuated

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